What is wrong with the NHS? Squeezing till the pips squeak (aka failure to recruit…)

There are many things wrong with the NHS. This is just one example I’ve witnessed and it happens over and over again. In an acute district general hospital there is a small team of administrative staff. There are just four people who seem to do all the work and amongst them, two work for one… Continue reading What is wrong with the NHS? Squeezing till the pips squeak (aka failure to recruit…)

It’s over. You have no interest for me.

Recently, First Direct, my long standing current account provider, e-mailed me to tell me that “your money could be earning you more” and “moving money into your savings account could earn you interest”. Sadly it’s barely really true, and certainly isn’t competitive in 2024. They don’t seem to have noticed that after every pay day,… Continue reading It’s over. You have no interest for me.

I’ll never be an astronaut

Developing Aortic Stenosis due to a Bicuspid Aortic Valve This is one doctor’s experience as an explainer to friends, family and anyone who has a bicuspid aortic valve or who, for whatever reason, has developed Aortic Stenosis. Early days I was born half way through 1967. My mother was barely 27. She had qualified as… Continue reading I’ll never be an astronaut

Robbing Peter to pay Paul…Headlines before thought?

The BBC reports All GPs to receive direct access to cancer tests. Superficially one might think this is a good thing but is it not just solving one problem and creating another? It feels like the squeezed balloon problem. One bit gets smaller as another gets bigger. By cancer tests the headline refers radiological imaging.… Continue reading Robbing Peter to pay Paul…Headlines before thought?

Crimes by email

Oh my God, it’s 2022 and still people are sending ‘reply alls’ with their apologies and other personal messages, that only need to go to the person organising the meeting. Today’s offender replied to 30 others. Sometimes it’s many more. Are these people technically incompetent with email (aka stupid) in that they don’t know what… Continue reading Crimes by email